Linguistic Attractors
David L Cooper
Not Available
Metonymy in Language and Thought
Klaus-Uwe Panther and 1 more
Language Diversity and Cognitive Representations
Catherine Fuchs and 1 more
Epistemic Modality, Language, and Conceptualization
Jan Nuyts
"Kubla Khan"--Poetic Structure, Hypnotic Quality, and Cognitive Style
Reuven Tsur
Idiomatic Creativity
Andreas Langlotz
Cognitive Linguistics Investigations
Australian Linguistics Institute and 1 more
Creative Compounding in English
Réka Benczes
The Categorization of Spatial Entities in Language and Cognition
Mixel Aurnague and 2 more
Methods in Cognitive Linguistics
Monica Gonzalez-Marquez
The Language of Memory in a Crosslinguistic Perspective
Workshop on the Semantics of Memory in a Crosslinguistic Perspective and 1 more
Metaphors for Learning
Erich Adalbert Berendt
Discourse, Vision, and Cognition
Jana Holsánová
New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics
Vyvyan Evans and 1 more
Bi-Directionality in the Cognitive Sciences
Marcus Callies and 2 more
Embodiment Via Body Parts
Zouheir A. Maalej and 2 more
The Meaning of Particle / Prefix Constructions in German
Robert B. Dewell
Converging Evidence
Doris Schönefeld
Space and Time in Languages and Cultures
Luna FilipoviÔc and 1 more
From Space to Time
Eugene H. Casad and 2 more
Practical Theories and Empirical Practice
Andrea C. Schalley
Conceptualizations of Time
Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk
A Cognitive Grammar of Japanese Clause Structure
Toshiyuki Kumashiro
Studies in Lexicogrammar
Grzegorz Drozdz
The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor
Ning Yu
Analogical Modeling
Royal Skousen and 2 more
Multiple Analogies in Science and Philosophy
Cameron Shelley
The Structure of Time
Vyvyan Evans
The Building Blocks of Meaning
Michele Prandi
Analogy as Structure and Process
Esa Itkonen
Monica Gonzalez-Marquez and 3 more
Metonymy and Metaphor in Grammar
Klaus-Uwe Panther and 2 more
Researching and Applying Metaphor in the Real World
Graham Low and 3 more
Motivation in Grammar and the Lexicon
Defining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics
Réka Benczes and 2 more
Cognitive Approaches to Tense, Aspect, and Epistemic Modality
Adeline Patard and 1 more
A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of the English Imperative
Hidemitsu Takahashi
Luna Filipovic and 1 more
Variation and Change in the Encoding of Motion Events
Juliana Goschler and 1 more
The Spatial Language of Time
Kevin Ezra Moore
Corpus Methods for Semantics
Dylan Glynn and 1 more
Multilingual Cognition and Language Use
Cognitive Modeling
Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez and 1 more
Phraseological Substitutions in Newspaper Headlines
Sylvia Jaki
Fictive Interaction
Esther Pascual
Frames of Understanding in Text and Discourse
Alexander Ziem
The Semantics of German Verb Prefixes
Impersonals and Other Agent Defocusing Constructions in French
Michel Achard
Demonstratives and Possessives With Attitude
Magdalena Rybarczyk
The Conversation Frame
Esther Pascual and 1 more
Studies in Figurative Thought and Language
Angeliki Athanasiadou
How Grammar Links Concepts
Friedrich Ungerer
Constructing Families of Constructions
Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez and 2 more
Motion and Space Across Languages
Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano
Pattern and Process
Michael Fortescue
Perspectives on Abstract Concepts
Marianna Bolognesi and 1 more
Broader Perspectives on Motion Event Descriptions
Yo Matsumoto and 1 more
The Structure of Arguments
Izchak M. Schlesinger and 2 more
Space, Time, World
Michael (University of Copenhagen and 1 more
Text Representation
Ted J.M. Sanders and 2 more
Perspective and Perspectivation in Discourse
Carl Friedrich Graumann and 1 more